
Doritos on a Balcony


It all started with me heartbroken on a balcony,

With a bag of Doritos in my hands,

My thoughts rushing in my head accompanied by pain and agony,

As those triangular-shaped bundles of joy were part of my jolly band.


But it only took one look at the sky, for the thoughts to come to an abrupt end,

For what I saw, will always be a profound message, a godsend.

As I saw a masterful artwork, that no artist on earth can compete,

It was enough to make me believe for a second, a divine god and his feats.


The cool wind tickled my skin, as the aroma of rain filled my lungs,

The vision of a sunset on the distant edge of the sky,

Dark mysterious clouds foreshadowed the impending rain they brung,

And to add to the gloomy effect, streaks of bright lightning, cut through the shadowy gradient and graced my awestruck eyes. 


For the Dorito in my hand, and my problems seemed insignificantly small,

Compared to the everchanging canvas brushed in real-time,

Past those clouds and the universe as it is called,

Stood a story with lore thick and heavy, which we ignore, our daily crime.


Stars in the universes are born, from specks of dust and matter and form, 

Those very stars, stand the test of time, to explode into oblivion,

Blackholes, dangerous terrorizing antagonists, their former bright hopeful selves, they mourn.

Like a story of evil and good, and light and dark, made only to be noticed by no one.


Such a canvas is hard to find, with paint and brush strokes, and from humankind,

For it does not change, and bend, and fold, with twists and turns from gripping battles, and cosmic lovers who part, 

Yet balanced in the most delicate way, unnoticed but so easy to find,

As every one of us, is a minuscule brushstroke, in a grander work of art.


All this dawned on me, as a ray of sunlight cuts through the clouds,

Like a physical ray of hope, the universe lauding my discovery,

And in that moment, my problems disappeared, to be a brushstroke, I was proud,

And these profound thoughts, all started with me and a bag of Doritos on a balcony.

