

Dr. Barbara

I don’t know what about you that blightens me. 


Your pink jumpsuit speaks to me of your radiant beauty.

Your golden blonde and snow-white hair make you a winsome in disguise 

The scorched scar on your face is not a blemish but a sign of flair. 


Your flattery is a blessing instead of a curse. 

Your violent outrages relieve my daily vile afflictions.

Your flirtations don’t wreck my perfect mood


Your voice is euphonious

Your enthusiastic tone energizes microscopic gadgetry.

Your speeches don’t hinder my everyday misdeeds 


Your plans of producing Pollution plague visitation to my enemies,

Your projects on animals inspire my deviltry

Your Water contamination schemes, don’t mess up my monthly lair bills


The first image of you stirred excitement for chaos inside of me

You are my personal heartwarming fiend, Dr. Blight.

You make evil look clean and wholesome