Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla

A Walk to Freedom

“I was born into chains.

Chains of caste


I was born into chains.

Chains of untouchability


I was born into chains.

Chains of racism


I was born into chains.

Chains of purity and impurity


I was born into chains.

Chains of boundaries


I was born into chains.

Chains of persecution


Everywhere, graphene chains

Everywhere chains

Everywhere boundaries

Everywhere subordination

Everywhere subjugation

Everywhere, iron walls


Celebrations of chains

Celebrations of boundaries

Celebrations of subjugation

Celebration of iron walls

Celebrations of purity and impurities

Celebration of persecution


I tried and tried to escape the chains.

But iron chains are human chains.

Nobody can escape.

Except tightening them

No human agency unchained me.

No natural agency has cut my chains.

Chains are iron chains.

Human chains are iron chains.


Wherever I go, I am chained.

But differently

But these different chains are not

Like the other one, I was born with it.

It is easy to unchain.

I am trying to take my son.

Where he can grow up in free space”