The Fallen one



You heart was a vast ocean, vast and deep 

Navigation a feat unto its own

So loving, so caring, carrying the load

The load of many with love for all

Where did it all go? It’s no longer standing tall 

Vast and deep yout heart once was

Now only searching, scorching with lust…

Lust in your eyes, lust in your heart

Lust without knowing who you can trust

Trust the ones you hold so dear?

Trust the one who you live in fear?

Fear of the hatred, fear of the attacks

Fear that you may never even make it back 

Back from the point you now have reached

Fear that soon again they will leach

Leach off of you, from your ocean of love 

One that was here, but now is long gone

Destroyed by “ Justice”, destroyed by hate 

Fair weather friends, is all they were 

Not in it for life, he’ll not even at all

Plastic smiles, and fake emotions

They leached off of you for your vast ocean

Crushing the wake, ahead full steam 

Hoping like he’ll this is only a dream

One with an ending, in favor of you

The one who’s heart is vast, who’s heart is true