
His Will To Do

Tune: Old Yeavering

(\'Like a mighty river flowing\')

Psalm 143 v.7-12


Hear me speedily, O Lord, hear

My spirit fails, draw to me near

Hide not your face from me, lest I

Give up all hope and then die


Cause me hear your loving kindness

Morning, evening, come to me, bless

For in you do I trust, cause me

To know your way, what it be


For I lift up my soul to you

Deliver me Lord, me renew

Save me from enemies, I flee

To you, for you to hide me


Teach me to do your will, O Lord

For your name\'s sake, true be your word

You are my God, your spirit is

Good, you shall lead me, sure this


Rescue me, for you righteous are

You are near me, you are not far

Bring my soul out of its trouble

Thus I shall then praise you all


And in your mercy put an end

To my enemies, me defend

Cut off those that afflict my soul

I your servant with heart whole