
Broken Mirror



And as she called it love

and put him on his very own pedestal 

I watched in silence 

she was beautiful

yet her soul seemed empty

her eye\'s dark, as the depth of the deepest sea

the sad thing was 

she could never see it for herself 

blinded by her need not to acknowledge

glancing in the dark broken mirror

was something forbidden 

brushed off 

as if it were dust from a book shelf 

reading, she loved to read

yet, she left her books upon those shelves of dust

and all he did 

was remind her she was worth naught

until one day 

she found courage to stand up for herself

the pedal stool taken back

those shelves now open books of her favorite poets

men who actually taught her something 

be it vulgarity or dark, and of course, love

she now believed  

and each morning 

she dusted those beautiful books 

with eyes that shone 

the thing most extraordinary to me?


she never ever spoke with anger

of those dark yet memorable moments 

she simply said


I wouldn\'t be me without them


and I?


well, I silently admire her beauty


from her reflection


In the now, unbroken mirror.