
Bed of Roses 🌹

Love comes in many ways

There\'s the love that waits

The love that heals


The type of love you could call home

The one that gives you hope

Others call it a fateful encounter 

The rainbow after the storm


But there will always be two sides of the coin

Love can hurt

It can be impatient 

Cause you to self destruct

The reason why you\'re hopeless

The cause of the storm


But for me

Love is like a bed of roses

Old fashion as it seem

Cringe it may sound

But admit it

It is true


A rose is as beautiful as it can be

As naive as we can be

We picked the it without knowing that we will bleed

Forgetting the thorns hidden 

Behind its beauty

Same goes with love

It may give you hope, comfort or home

But remember there will always be a price


The question is

Will you hold on, despite knowing you\'ll bleed?


Will you let go and walk away, thinking it is not worth the pain?