Petrichor of Love

Her Sojourn

In the depths of my memory\'s sacred halls,

Lies the essence of her, the one who enthralls,

Her sojourn through my life, a bittersweet tale,

A love once bloomed, now etched in a wistful veil.


Oh, how her presence adorned every room,

Her laughter, like music, dispelling all gloom,

Her eyes, like stars, a universe to explore,

In her embrace, I found solace, forevermore.


But like the fleeting whispers of a summer breeze,

Her sojourn in my life, a delicate tease,

For fate\'s hand intervened, our paths grew apart,

Leaving an indelible mark upon my heart.


In the twilight of nostalgia, I reminisce,

Of stolen moments, a love\'s passionate kiss,

The echoes of her voice, like a distant refrain,

Haunting my thoughts, fueling a love\'s endless pain.


Her sojourn, a tapestry of joy and despair,

A mosaic of emotions, woven with care,

Each brushstroke of memory, a lingering touch,

Igniting a flame that time can never smutch.


Yet, as I trace the contours of our love\'s design,

I find solace in knowing her heart once was mine,

Though distance may separate, our souls intertwined,

Bound by a love that will forever be enshrined.


The ache of her absence, a constant companion,

A reminder of love\'s fragility, its impermanence,

But amidst the tears that stain my weary cheeks,

I hold onto the moments; love so eloquently speaks.


For her sojourn, though painful, holds a sacred grace,

A testament to the depth of love\'s embrace,

And as I wander the corridors of my longing heart,

I find solace in the beauty of love\'s exquisite art.


So, I\'ll cherish sojourn, though she\'s no longer near,

For her memory, like lighthouse, forever shines clear,

though our paths diverged, my love remains true,

Her sojourn in my soul, a treasure I\'ll forever pursue.


In the hallowed halls of my reminiscence,

Her sojourn lives on, a timeless essence,

A love that transcends distance, lives, and space,

Carving her presence in my heart\'s sacred place.