
Our first home

Our first home is just an apartment,

But it is perfect for us and it is what God has meant,

For us to start out and we will work our way up,

Starting from nothing, kinda like an empty cup,

It\'s one bedroom but is of good size,

Perfect for the two of us to love and rise,

Rise above all things that others have told us that we can\'t,

We will overcome obstacles quietly and not brag or rant,

We will grow at just the right pace,

For we follow God\'s plan, and are not part of a race,

We will keep our faith and our eyes on our Father God above,

Who has given us everything, especially happiness and love,

It was a hard road for us both, getting to where we\'re at,

Being treated unfairly and betrayed but we\'ve overcome that,

Now we have our first home together and will only grow from here,

We have our love and our God, we have nothing to fear