
The Visit

The visit


I came by your place for the first time today

To pay my respects and say ‘Hey!’,

I came in quietly to show my respect

Except-  that is - for my intake of breath!

The audience of white faces row upon row

Still and expressionless in the suns halo,

Holding you safe is a piece of England

In this place -your adopted homeland,

Stone faces - hardened from the fight

Etched with lines - name- age - station - an emotional sight.


Where the lavender breeze blows

A blanket of beauty soothes as it grows,

Roses cover and support your frame

Leaves and petals caress your name,

Nature, your new mother, tucks you in

So far away from your kith and kin.


This floral splendour, your uniform of                    today
In stark contrast to the uniform worn

Where poisonous gas clouds blew

Where pain, despair and exhaustion grew,

Mud, blood and lice covered your frame

Rank and file, in battle , no face, no name!

Bullets, bombs and shells tucked you in

Death and destruction were no kith and                                                              kin.


I came by your place for the first time  today

To pay my respects and say ‘Hey!’

I came in quietly to show my respect

Except-  that is - for my intake of breath!

But I will visit again  - if that’s okay?

And admire your beauty and bouquet,

I’ll come quietly and show my respect

Stand silently with you and reflect,

Today’s uniform - beauty in bloom

Yesterday’s uniform - creator of this tomb!

And I’ll thank you for my today and                                                 tomorrow

Because of your yesterday’s great sorrow.