
Hear, Help, Hope

Tune: Abridge

(\'Be thou my guardian and my guide\')

Parts of Psalms 9, 10, and 11


Sing praises to the Lord, sing praise

And e\'er His name upraise

He dwells in Zion, here declare

Midst peoples His deeds share


The needy shall not always be

Forgotten, but shall, see

Be helped, and their expectation

Not be desolation


Arise, O Lord, lift up your hand

To help poor in the land

Forget not the humble, but do

Come to their aid anew


Lord, you have heard humble\'s desire

You will them fresh inspire

Will prepare their heart, cause your ear

To attend and them hear


The righteous Lord loves righteousness

He shall come to us bless

He does the upright ones behold

He Shepherd of His fold