Accidental Poet

Blood on Man’s Conscience

There once was a time

When men thought not of empathy

All they cared about

The results of their greed


Hunting down species of whales

Giants of the sea

With a rhythmic heartbeat

Same as you and me


Raising their young

To grow big and strong

Little did they know

They won’t live that long


For within their bodies

Lies the oil man spills

All he sees are dollar signs

No matter of the life he kills


Lacking a conscience

Man only worships the evil green

Bank accounts that grow and grow

The life taken never seen


By God’s grace

These days things have changed

Laws protecting the whales

Lives of men and whales rearranged


But the sins from days of past

Lay in history’s consequence

The value of life

Blood on man’s conscience


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2023