Adriaan Nothnagel

Prison WithIn

In shadows deep, where darkness dwells,
I find myself trapped in my personal hell.
A prison of thoughts, a haunting refrain,
Where my spirit lingers, consumed by pain.

Bound by chains of mediocrity\'s embrace,
I grind away in this desolate place,
A meaningless job, devoid of light,
Where dreams are crushed, hopes take flight.
My potential whispers from behind the bars,
But I\'m locked in my thoughts, trapped in the stars.
Oh, the anguish of knowing what could be,
Yet condemned to this life of captivity.

Each day a sentence, a relentless grind,
My spirit withers, my dreams confined. The clutches tighten, they suffocate my soul,
As I yearn for release, to reclaim control.

I hear the echoes of promises unfulfilled,
In this personal prison, my dreams distilled.
But deep within, a flicker of hope remains,
A fire that burns, refusing to wane.

If I can break these chains, escape this abyss,
I know in my heart, I will find eternal bliss.
For beyond these prison walls lies my fate,
A world of freedom, where dreams elevate.

In the depths of darkness, my spirit fights,
To shatter these shackles, embrace the light.
A force within me lends strength to my plea,
To break free from this prison, to truly be free.

So, I persevere, against the tides of despair,
For I know deep inside, there\'s a future to share.
In the realm of potential, I\'ll find my way,
And transform this personal prison to a brighter day.