Juliet_ Apricus

My Inner Workings

Inhale / exhale  
Do you still love me? 

Inhale / exhale
Did you ever love me?


Inhale / exhale  
Is it because I don’t look the same as before?
 Because my clothes don’t sit the same
And  my face is textured 


Inhale / exhale
Is it because I’m not as fun as I was before?    Because I can be that girl again if you need her
She’s in here somewhere I promise 


Is it because I’m not smart enough?  
Because I really am trying 
I read all those books you gave me just so we could talk like we used to



What do you need me to change? 
Because whatever it is I can do it
I’ll move the fucking Earth if that’s what it takes


Inhale / exhale
Please tell me what I did wrong  
Did I do anything wrong? 
Or am I just a lost cause to you