
Dawn Rising

Miles away between bruised tattered hills

Over the \'Blue Asbestos Sheets\' covering the withering town

Dawn rising playing rhythm, across scanty rag roofs

Dim brightness seeping through her shanty, after a dark mourn.


Obscure dew drops melting with a gentle sun beam kiss

Veil of smog crawling away, paving the sight of a long road

Bargained with the skinny, droopy porter stationed near shiny ritz 

She looked on, the exhausted flowers in plastic pots waiting to unfold.


Abysmal lines testimonials to the struggled moments 

Hair on bun still a million strands lingering on her dismal tanned face

Sipping over-brewed tea, shuddered with thoughts of today\'s uphill tyrants

A thin thread of hope, scavenging through city\'s litter the only solace !