Niki Oz

Love me harder

Love me harder on the days I can\'t remember the name for anything.
The days I cannot focus 
The days I can\'t remember why I got up or walked into another room. 
Love me harder on the days I cannot find a single reason to love myself. 
Even harder on the days I cannot look at my own reflection. 
Love me harder on the days I feel like I can conquer the world. 
When I\'m so full of confidence and passion. 
Full of excitement and joy. 
Love me harder on the days I love myself more than anything else and stop and glance at every reflection. 
Love me harder on the days that I\'m still here.
That I\'m still living and breathing.
Heart beating and eyes full of light. 
Please do not wait to love me till tomorrow for tomorrow could be too late. 
Love me hardest right now because I need it today.