Sassy Lou

Any More

Mind in every direction -

Completely blanket the same time

I cannot take any more of this -

White flag is flown

I give up

The damage is done 

They got what they masterminded

Battle & war both won

Mental breakdown has begun 

I cannot take anymore of this -

How much more can they do?

Thought about it a time or two -

Say goodbye to the world I once knew

Push me to proceed to that place -

Why -

What did I do?

Despised me that much -

Mad because they aren\'t me?

Give in & let them win -

Or put up one hell of a fight?

Shouldn\'t make such a fuss over lil \'ol me!!

Battle may be won -

War is not quite over 

It\'s just now getting interesting 

Not going to let them get to me

I will get the last laugh

Try & try again -

Everyone of you will lose

Break me all you wish

My life means more than you ever will

I cannot take anymore of this