Theodore Zendarski

His Sorrow

We presume to know of a far better way

But our devices will falter somewhere, someday

Surely there will come a time, a time to pay

We don\'t care, our chosen course we shall stay

In light of His sorrowful passion, asking for wisdom is the best way


Contemplate well, be wise with our choices

Discern the good path, don\'t heed the tainted voices

Interpret His teachings with faithful discretion

Do not falter and succumb to the common obsession

In light of His sorrowful passion, be thankful to God every day


Share His blessings with one and for all, conquer our greed

Remember from Whom it is given, and take only for need

Your earned spiritual merits freely offer to Mary

For she knows where to place them for seed

In light of His sorrowful passion, hold nothing back, just give it away


Presumptuous are we who question His plan

Hallowed be the wonderous union of woman and man

Each to love and to cherish until one life departs

Defend to the end, the Divine will as much as you can

In light of His sorrowful passion, follow His will and enter the fray


Chaste should we be, before the big choice

The \"I do\" we spoke, He remembers our voice

To tear the union apart does ravage His heart

Any other style union upon us don\'t foist

In light of His sorrowful passion, His definition of marriage, be on our tray


Temptation is there, it etches away, seeking our defeat

Its dominion so great, it captivates His earthly elite

Preach the doctrine of God, not the twisted version of the temptor

Pray to lead well the masses while following His holy scepter

In light of His sorrowful passion, cherish His church, let it not sway



Dare we to clone in His image, but lacking a soul

Tempt we then our God, the being to be made whole

A creation such as this, a new life which we stole

Our pride do we praise, or our Creator do we console

In light of His sorrowful passion, I know you not, don\'t hear Him say


Cherish the unarrived, lovingly embrace they who are old

For our life is His gift, pure and precious, all from the same mold

Turn not the womb into a gruesome concentration camp

The decision is His alone as to when goes dark our worldly lamp

In light of His sorrowful passion, treasure all life and follow His way


Should we question why one is made girl or one a boy

With His decision from above do we possess the wisdom to toy

Does that infer that the Maker has created a grievous mistake

The image of beings that He has made, we dare to remake

In light of His sorrowful passion, accept what is given and follow His way


Genetic manipulation, cross species and mechanical man

Don\'t limit your imagination, do try all that you can

By defiling My temple you are forcing Me out

But remember Who\'ll have the last word, the final shout

In light of His sorrowful passion, He is our light, He opened the way


Our fellow believers should all take heart

In knowing that afterwards, He\'ll set us apart

When we leave this place, we\'ll do so in grace

Pray for us all, that we may then see His sweet face

In light of His sorrowful passion, eternal life was given that day


If while reading this now you say you feel hurt

Imagine My pain, crucified, covered in blood and dirt

Will you visit me just once to ease My distress

Or ignore Me completely in sheer haughtiness

In light of His sorrowful passion, soften your heart and kneel down to pray