Precious Chukwudi


If a sorcerer had told me that this day would come, I would have waved it afase 
A day when with closed eyes and a burning desire for each other
Lock lips under the fragments of the blue bulbs professing our love  
As the music played loud, it though seemed incapable to silence the sound of our hearts
Dancing to its inaudible melody with a peculiar unwavering rhythm
There’s definitely more to this music; aye
As it crescendoed, we crescendoed 
Souls and skins in dire devotion

His home tuck in between my bosom
My ass became his refuge from the streets
The street is tough, he says to me
Come home, the pillows are warm, I replied
In this house, where there are different rooms
His fingers know how well to navigate the door knob
And negotiate the soft curves
A tradition his hands are wont to repeat

The way he loves, shake my logical foundation of love
Each exquisite stride he takes 
Speak with so much faith in what we share
Him kissing my flaws, turning them into diamonds 
What we share is not just a wave of passion
It’s a lesson.

© Precious Chukwudi