“That’s A Dad”
(Tom Entrican, 6/18/2023)
He’d never dream of firing mom no matter what she does
Even if there is no dinner to eat, and piles of dirty clothes
She can give him kids who do nothing but bad
Yet his smile grows big with every hug, that’s a dad
He can throw you real high; send you up in the sky
And catch you safely if the sun’s not in his eyes
Gives you an allowance when your grades look sad
And can lift a car way over his head, that’s a dad
He kisses your mom when he walks in the door
Despite being injured by your toys on the floor
Buys all the best groceries that you’ve ever had
Chauffeurs you around even if he is dead, that’s a dad
Sometimes he yells and spanks you a might
Or holds you close when the world wants to fight
Laughs at all of the stupidest jokes that you have
Rescues your bike from up in the tree, that’s a dad
He loves you and your mommy with all of his might
Chases away monsters as he kisses you goodnight
Most of the time he is not all that bad
And that’s why you love him, ‘cause that’s a dad.