Kimberly Dawn Foley

Does Nothing Have A Sound?

Does nothing have a sound?

She stood on the cold ground.

Her bare feet planted. Steady or so she thought.

Freshly fallen snow formed a barrier to the frozen water beneath.

Cold. A brisk wind carried a Scream from the depths of her soul.

Anger. Fury.  Fear. Sweat. Confusion. Pain. Gazing left and right as the wind hits her skin like a thousand needles.

So cold. The loud high-pitched scream echoed off the mountain tops, over the ice and through the trees.

But silence. Does nothing make a sound?

For she was alone in the fight for her life.

Alone, disregarded.

A burden, a joke, a job to those taunting her.

She was nothing and alone in this fight.

It was this thought that registered again and again in her mind.

A new but deep agonizing scream came forth until exhausted.

The breath leaving her lungs she fell to her knees.

Head hung and broken. Quiet sobs wracked her body, she was spent.

The Former life within her beautiful self, stolen, mutated and buried.

Involuntarily collapsing, she falls down on the cold ground.

The falling snow turning her white, accepting her as part of the land.

She was lost, again.

Howls crept from the edges of the dark woods surrounding her.

Her mind retreated to distant memories searching for the comfort and truths that have kept her.

Truth. Selfless. Strong. Determined. Kind. Giving. Loyal. Joy. Laughs. Outgoing. Unconditional Love.

The snow melts against her remaining warmth and her tears have her eye\'s frozen shut.

A whimper, a sigh.

Can you hear it. Does nothing make a sound?

Giving up hope and prepared.

Empty. Wiped away. Love. Love Mutated. Lies. Tricks. Pain. Happiness. Adventure. Sorrow. Forced. Anguish. Mutation of events. Beauty. Strength. Deplorable narrative. Miles and some sweet smiles.


No, finally sleeping, her pain and loss taken away.

Does nothing have a sound?