Job Welime

An attempt to tempt your heart.

Your presence pulls a shiver from my body,

Your touch raises the hair on my arms and legs,

I\'m not lying when I confess that eachtime you say my name,my insides twist in that delicious way,

You\'re the story that I dream myself into with every turn of a page,

You\'re the incident that taught me of all the ways to spell love,

You\'re the lens showing me the sacred beauties of life,

Sometimes I wonder when did my fantasies become so simple,coz all I want is to have you near me,feel my hand through your hair and hear your breath,

You\'re my greenlight at a love highway,I dare not stop to love you,

Whenever I\'m with you am sure that I will never lie,steal,cheat or drink.But if I must lie,I will lie in the arms of the one I love, which is you,

If I must steal I will only steal from bad company,

If I must cheat,I promise to always cheat death,

And if I must drink,I will drink in the moments that take my breath away,

Always remember this as my heartfelt attempt to tempt your heart.