Joe swanso

The Mysterious God

In the void of cosmos, a god exists  
A mystery, an enigma, forever persists  
Neither here nor there, it transcends space and time  
Elusive, arcane, yet somehow divine  

This god exists without existence, a paradoxical tale  
Invisible, incorporeal, but deeply beyond the pale  
All-knowing, yet unaware of its eventual fate  
Guiding the universe\'s flow, yet not participating in its debate  

It\'s difficult to pin down, this cryptic divine  
Yet its echoes are everywhere, its essence so fine  
In the spark of creation and the beauty of nature  
In the fields of science and the realms of culture  

A whisper in the wind, a glimmer in the dark  
A seed of hope in the world, an eternal spark  
This mysterious god exists in the depths of our soul  
A force of existence, a greater, more significant goal.