Petrichor of Love

Glimpses of a Broken Mirror

In fragments of a mirror, cracked and worn,

I catch glimpses of her, like the break of dawn.

A dance of light and shadow, in fleeting display,

Her beauty, half-imagined, in the sun\'s gentle ray.


A puzzle of reflections, a mosaic of charm,

Each shard reveals a fraction, a lover\'s alarm.

The broken mirror, a metaphor for my heart,

As it yearns for her presence, longing to be a part.


Through broken glass, I spy her silhouette,

A vision ethereal, I cannot forget.

The mirror\'s fragments, scattered in disarray,

Reflect illusions, a lover\'s fleeting display.


In dappled light, she dances with the dawn,

A mosaic of radiance, as morning yawns.

Her form, a mystery, an enigma untold,

Each fleeting glimpse, a story yet to unfold.


The half-broken mirror, a metaphor of desire,

As I yearn for her presence, my heart set afire.

Sun-kissed reflections, upon her skin they play,

Unveiling secrets, as the hours slip away.


But oh, the beauty that remains unseen,

In the depths of her soul, where hearts convene.

The mirror, a veil, obscuring truth and light,

Leaving my heart restless, yearning for her sight.


And so, the poem lingers, incomplete and untold,

With whispers of love that will forever unfold.

For the beauty I glimpse, in moments so fleet,

Leaves me yearning, in love\'s bittersweet retreat.


The sun still rises, casting its golden hue,

Yet the ending eludes, as the story continues.

Amidst half-imagined illusions, mays\'t love persist,

Leaving the conclusion to the hearts that insist.


A glimpse of grace, elusive and untamed,

Her body, a poem, in sunlight\'s embrace, unnamed.

Hoping that someday she completely reveals

the treasures of her beauty that she conceals.