Monday June 19, 2023
Hangin\' out here at the a retiree
My wife is also retired...but I\'m getting rather bored (nearly).
Granted this is a day when african-americans are celebrating emancipation
It all began on June 19 of 1865 with the signing of that historic proclamation.
It\'s been a bittersweet, yet peaceful day on the porch of my house
Watching the cars go by...and trying to be peaceful and quiet as a mouse.
My son\'s car is still awaiting repairs and he lost his billfold
And his drivers license and debit card with it..hoping it won\'t become a financial stranglehold.
I\'m prayin\' to good \'ol St. Anthony that his billfold can be found.
Whilst I am searching the house to find it...without making a sound.
My wife bought me a silver cross men\'s necklace for Father\'s Day
And am hoping we can both head back up to Norther Michigan
And to hopefully celebrate a second honeymoon at Mackinaw City (and vicinity)
On some sweet vacation getaway day.
But in the meantime I am appalled and abhorred with what\'s continually goin\' on
Dudes crossdressed like babes...(so sickening and creepy) which I find so morally wrong.
This is supposed to be a day of the celebration freedom for the black community
Instead of a lame excuse for in \'yo-face perverted sexuality!
(feeling sad....scared....and very MAD!)
JML 6/19/23