
I\'m in business, and with me a knife after V. Wisotsky



When I take out a sharp knife, 

Don’t interrupt my urgent keif.

And after that - I always go to drink.

No matter what they maybe say, 

I robbed alone - and drank myself, 


 I will continue such exactly thing.


A man comes up to me and says:

“In our difficult such days

 I want to destroy people just like you!” 

 I quickly stabbed t’impudent boy,

I didn’t explain, but ruined  that toy,

And I will continue the same thing along  to do.


If  you just wanna having talk,

Sit down with me, tear out  a cork;

We will discuss everything  and decide. 

But if you want be as  he was again ,

We have one law for every guy,


And  this law will remain perpetuity  same.