
Magic Word

Withering the feathers of Sun,

Ending with hopeless smile

Scattered rays on the hill,

Fading by spreading darkness

Touching the line of horizon,

waving the hands from the bank

Drowning to the deep with dashing golden bowl


Standing under the shadow of Sun,

Lighting  the world of  Moon

Wearing ornaments ,

To celebrate the beauty of twilight

Dancing with snowy clouds,

Listening to the whistle of chilly wind

Floating above, Standing in the midst of flowery night


Sinking Sun, One more time

Winking at Moon, before Leaving apart

Raining tears from the eyes of Moon

She never ‘er thought to be,

Gloomy Morning, Waiting for the rays of hope

No more breeze, No more Chirping

Holding the hands of frozen Prince,

Whispering the magic word, ‘We’re One’