
The good shepherd





…….nature has its own synthesis,  we’ve got to remember this, it needs no witnesses, truth just is, not cause we say it is, just ask the kids, when it comes to truth they’re a wiz; that’s why that six year old pointed out those rolls of fat, on the back of your neck, something you can’t push out and eject, tape decks ain’t made of flesh; look at the world we recked,  cause we treat it like our bodies, we’re like a child that refuses to go to the potty, or a bank robber with no plan, pass the shotty.  A good shepherd’s record shouldn’t be checkered, patches of mayhem and destruction don’t go well with management, that should constitute banishment, but we keep a compass that’s intangible, never paying attention to the tangible. Monkeys would be our flunkies, no one would have to hire junkies, and keep all your weapons in your trunk please; everyone already has a knife in their back, that’s why the shepherd’s robe doesn’t fit right and exact.