Tanya Arora


It\'s a journey of last three years, 

Where we had emotions like Love n Tears. 

It was asked from me what is love for you and what I replied was it\'s only you, 

I still remember that proposal in the afternoon, With the mousy in my eyes when I said \'YES\' and you moved forward I still remember that the heart has taken up its motive to bloom. 

Days converted to weeks and Weeks to Months by the passing of each day I realized that you are the one, 

From best friends to Soulmate I dreamt that the journey would be fun. 

You were quite matured and I was quite kidish, 

But you converted each span of it to be lovish. 

The fragrance and the flavor of your love has each tint of hue, 

At the end I would just like to say that I love U, I love U, I love U.