Keith Jeffries

Swim against the Tide

Swim against the Tide 


We must exercise our freedom or lose it,

our individuality is at stake.

There is an innate need for us to be creative,

it will be to our detriment to ignore it.

Our individuality is a gift of our humanity,

we should explore it.

This brings fulfillment and true identity,

for those who seek it.


Be not afraid to do what it is to be different,

write whenever possible by hand.

Pen and ink, paper and envelopes remain available,

this is a step toward expressing your individuality.

Develop your natural talents and manifold gifts,

create out of clay, draw with a pencil and paint with a brush.

learn to play a musical instrument of any kind,

it is never too late to learn.


Ride a horse, write a poem, carve a piece of wood,

leave the car in the garage, walk or cycle.

Observe the world, explore its detail,

in it marvels will appear to be made manifest.

Change course, refuse to conform and eschew fashion,

then inspiration will ferment inside your mind.

Do not be afraid to be different, it will make a difference.


Your soul yearns for your creativity,

do not be afraid to swim against the tide.