
A book without a cover

A Book Without a Cover


\"Welcome to our library, all books are alphabetical\"

He walks over clammy handed, appearing a little skeptical, 

Not one peer, not one glance, maybe I am imperceptible. 


I can see it in the sky, so innocent and bold,

But I\'m held captive on this shelve, with my story still untold. 

It\'s warm light beams down on me but I shiver in the cold. 


\"Why?\" I hear you ask, it\'s the middle of the summer! 

But I stay here in the dark, a book without a cover.


I promise I\'m the same, I have words on every page, 

They look, they glance but they\'ll always walk away.

Pick me up, take a look, there\'s a story deep inside me, 

I have rips and some marks but I promise I\'ll keep you smiling. 


I enviously gaze at the other books around me, 

It\'s okay, I\'ll stay here, the dust to keep me company. 

See, I had a cover once, so colourful and shinny, 

But I tore and I ripped out every stitch just to make you happy. 

So now I\'m here, completely naked, no cover for you to judge me.