Garth Rakumakoe

In Crevice

Hand outstretched

blocking out the sun

he dared step out

dared face the light

he dared fight back

every forward step advancing

an army, of critical probing eyes

gawking, the defeated addict


He would\'ve gone further

had he not caught sight

of himself, in a passing window

the pathetic filthy creature

he saw, a far cry

from the a plus student

he once was, a life

all up in smoke

with every perfect circle

in the air

he learned to blow


Back in the deep shadows

he feels safe again

the shadows have accepted him

accepted his cowardice

without judgment, without reproach

stepping out was a flashback

one of many, and none to come

Stepping out never happened


Needle in arm, what good

does courage do him really

beside amplify his shame

when he can just go

with the flow in his veins

sinking high, flying low

brains dosed asunder, ravished

in his own abyss, in crevice

and dying happy

in the best living he knows