
Fallen Too Deep

You caress my skin

Leaving me wanting more

I yearn for your touch

I desperately wait for the day that I’m yours

I try to deny but to no avail

If you said wait to the end of time

Then wait I shall

If you said bleed till the last drop

My body would flop

The last word escaped would be your name

For my love will never be in vain


Forsaken by this thought

You leave me for nought

Yet you linger in my mind

The thoughts never seem to unwind


My skin crawls from the coldness of your abandonment

My breath quickens from my attachment

My heart aches because of the arrangement

My mind left bewildered and fooled

My body left still and damned


My soul but a reflection of a cracked mirror

My heart left tattered in pieces

Abused and bruised

Wincing my eyes with every thought

Heart quickening with every sob

Tattooed tears stream down my face

Everything silent but loud

Everything painful but numb


Tears stained my face

Lips dried

Eyes puffed

Cheeks bruised

Arms squeezed tightly around me

Holding on for my dear life

Completely still

As if the world would shatter with one breath




Focused on breathing

Thoughts nowhere else

Thoughts of just being


The fog slowly cleared

My heart no longer feared

My mind still dimmed

But the light surely peaked

As my view of the world was no longer bleak

- pj