

Do not miss me

Don\'t cry for me

I want no sadness

I want no pity


Little white flowers litter the room

And tears threaten you

But why should you cry

When I haven\'t left?


In each of your hearts

In every memory

I live within you

As long as you don\'t forget


There\'s still a part of me

By your side

Even if you stray

I\'ll always be near


I won\'t let go of you

And you\'ll be ok by yourselves

As I grew older

I gave you more and more


Every body gives out

But the soul continues to live

Through each person it touched

And every story told


That\'s why you get old, you know?

You give yourself to other people

Small parts of your soul

Carefully entrusted to those around you


Your heart\'s still looking for a way

To just feel alright

But it\'s ok, it\'ll all be alright

In the end


So this, it seems, is my final gift

A piece of me for each of you

Something to cherish and protect

Something to keep with you


When everything seems wrong

And everything is falling

Remember I am here

Just reach out...


I won\'t leave you,

Though it\'s frightening

I will hold you still

Even though I\'m gone


I will hold you tight and close

I will ease your pain

Let me keep you safe

Until you can move on


I thought this would be easier

Saying good bye...

It sounds so...permanent...

So instead, let\'s just say \"Farewell\"


Farewell, until we meet again