Gary Edward Geraci




At long last, something that’s gone right!

There! It’s been recorded by sight.


What went right is forever right,

Will stay right, way beyond the night.


It’s been written for all to see,

To be seen throughout history,


(Can’t be stolen, no remission

Or corruption; her admission)


And far into posterity:

“By Your word, be it unto me.”




Till then we had been terrified,

But now a tiny infant lied,


Swaddled and warmed in a manger,

Humbled, but to know no stranger.


And each one gazed at the other,

The Lord and His Holy Mother;


Generations have called her “Blessed,”

For her faith that’s never wavered.


In fact, the more Christ lives in me,

The more my heart pounds for Mary:


A young virgin, just a new teen,

Notre Dame, and now Royal Queen.



Gary Edward Geraci