Soman Ragavan

\"A gypsy friend\" ; 24 June, 2023

A gypsy friend; 6April, 2023.

1 May, 2023
To ChatGPT for analysis : poem “A gypsy friend” 
Soman Ragavan : Hello. Can I post a poem of mine for analysis, please ?

Hello Soman Ragavan! Sure, I\'d be happy to analyze your poem. Please feel free to share it with me.
Soman Ragavan : Here is my poem \"A gypsy friend.\" Please comment by stanza, then give overall comments. Make references to other works as needed. A GYPSY FRIEND

ChatGPT :
Thank you for sharing your poem, \"A Gypsy Friend,\" Soman Ragavan. Here\'s my analysis by stanza, followed by some overall comments.

Stanza 1:

In this opening stanza, the speaker describes the gypsy friend as someone who asks philosophical questions and nods their head while thinking. The use of the word \"gypsy\" suggests that this friend is a wanderer or traveler, perhaps one who does not have a permanent home. The stanza sets up the theme of simplicity, which will continue throughout the poem.

Stanza 2: The second stanza continues to describe the gypsy friend\'s simplicity, particularly in their clothing and disregard for fashion. The use of the word \"defying\" suggests that the friend is intentionally rejecting the norms of society. The final line of the stanza, \"flapping away unconcern\'d / In a world mad with change,\" emphasizes the friend\'s detachment from the constant flux of the world.

Stanza 3: In this stanza, the speaker characterizes the gypsy friend as someone who does not care for money, seeing it as a vain pursuit that consumes people\'s lives. The friend is again described as a philosopher, and the reference to the school bag suggests that they are always seeking knowledge and learning.

Stanza 4: The fourth stanza describes the gypsy friend\'s physical appearance and behavior. They are always smiling, despite their worn-out shoes and overloaded satchel. The stanza emphasizes the friend\'s wandering nature, which is reinforced by the repetition of the word \"wander\'st\" at the end.

Stanza 5: In the final stanza, the speaker acknowledges that the gypsy friend is an orphan, but praises them for their kind heart and rare goodness. The friend is able to find shelter in unexpected places, suggesting that they are resourceful and adaptable. The speaker ends the poem with a blessing, hoping that the friend will continue to be protected by the universe.

Overall, \"A Gypsy Friend\" is a tribute to a wandering philosopher who rejects the trappings of modern society and finds meaning in simplicity and knowledge. The poem\'s structure is consistent throughout, with each stanza adding to the characterization of the friend. The use of \"thou\" and other archaic language gives the poem a timeless quality, while the references to modern subjects like accountancy and economics ground it in the present.

The poem reminded me of Robert Frost\'s \"The Road Not Taken,\" which also deals with the theme of choosing a path that is different from the norm. Additionally, the emphasis on simplicity and rejection of material wealth reminded me of Henry David Thoreau\'s \"Walden.\"
Soman Ragavan : Thank you. Goodbye for now. 

You\'re welcome, Soman Ragavan! Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions or if you would like me to analyze another poem in the future. Goodbye for now!


                                    A  GYPSY  FRIEND

Questions philosophical thou ask\'st,
Nodding now and again thy thinking head,
Friend, thou wandering, gypsy friend…..

The very symbol of simplicity,
Verily are thy garments and outfit,
Defying, friend, all splendour,
Mocking all fashion,
Flapping away unconcern\'d
In a world mad with change.

Money thou lik\'st not, friend.
Money thou discard\'st as vain stuff,
Despis\'d for its daily assault
Everywhere on mankind.

A true philosopher art thou, friend :
Thy old school bag yet knoweth
Papers, handouts, questionnaires too,
By the score and more,
Embracing subjects from Accountancy
To Economics and similar insanity.

With satchel stuff\'d to the brim,
A permanent smile on thy face,
Shoes to a thousand pieces falling,
Thou wander\'st about, friend…..

\'Tis true, an orphan art thou,
Yet, a kinder fellow of heart,
The world vainly searcheth for,
\'Cause good folks like thee
Rarely are encounter\'d, friend.
A pal\'s roof, a park\'d van,
A shop\'s porch, a bridge,
Maketh no fuss but provideth thee
With shelter for the night,
Thou, thou, gypsy friend…..

Bless\'d  art thou, friend.
Our orderly life
But meaningless is.
May the smiling firmament
Protect and guard thee
For many a year to come.
