Aloo Denish Obiero

The Quest for Wisdom

Where does wisdom reside?
Where does understanding hide?
Not in the land of living souls,
Nor depths of seas, where vastness rolls.

Hidden from eyes, from all living things,
Even birds in the sky, it elusively clings.
Destruction and Death have only heard,
A mere rumor, nothing more, of its word.

Mortals toil, seeking treasures confined.
From the soil, iron is taken, copper refined.
Silver mines and gold\'s refining cells,
In depths of earth, where darkness dwells.

Its value cannot be contained,
By gold or silver, it\'s not attained.
Beyond the jewels, the precious stones,
Wisdom surpasses all thrones.

God alone understands the way,
Where wisdom resides, where it stay.
He views all beneath the heavens above,
And measures wisdom with truth and love.

To humankind, this message He imparts,
\"The fear of the Lord, wisdom\'s true start,
To shun evil, that is understanding\'s key\",
Embrace wisdom\'s path, and truly be free.