Petrichor of Love

To Thee, My Love, A Farewell !

Now that there\'s no solace left, let’s embrace our fate,

For we must part ways, though it rends my heart.

No longer can we linger, our love\'s expiration date,

Yet in this parting, a melancholic art.

Let us share one last kiss, a tender farewell,

And seal our memories in tears of despair.

Though our souls may ache, our hearts shall dwell,

On the love we shared, a love beyond compare.


But who’ll believe the depth of our love\'s flame,

That it could burn so bright only to fade away?

So in this fleeting moment, I whisper your name,

And cherish every second, every word we say.

As we bid adieu, let sorrow cloud the sky,

For my heart shall forever long for your touch.

Our love, like a wounded bird, yearning to fly,

Bound by fate\'s cruel hand, we mourn as such.


Yet, in this sorrow, let our souls find solace,

Knowing that true love withstands the test of time.

Our souls forever intertwined, in this eternal embrace,

In the realm of memories, our love sublime.

Now, as we part, let destiny guide our way,

May life\'s journey lead us to find solace again.

In this sweet sorrow, I\'ll carry your love every day,

With a longing heart, forever marked by our pain.


Farewell, my love, a parting filled with tears,

But know that in my heart, you\'ll forever reside.

Though separated by distance, throughout the years,

Our love, in timeless echoes, shall forever abide.