Can you be philosophical without being high?

Is every moment of life taken for granted when there’s no hope for it to get better?

Are we in an earthly world that can only be survived using earthly tactics?

Am I an intellectual or a skeptic when I question God?

I feel problematic when the stopping of one vice leads me to a stronger addiction of another.

Am I to pick my poison, because it feels unfair to limit my experience on earth to satisfy the will of a being who tests me and allows me to suffer. 

What is a moment?

Why is it that we cannot take a sliver of gratitude for the people around us or the position we find ourselves in?

Is it because people suck?

Is it because we’re not happy where we’re at?

What are we to do in times when it’s hard to breathe or think because the thought of failing outweighs everything?

Though I may not have the answers to all these questions.

It should be reassuring to those who read this.

One question was answered today.

I was philosophical without being high