Take away my rights and fill them with your own. Be asked to lay before your feet and scour in defeat. Lay my life on the line for those who are guilty to never see the grief. Leaving me in your place to take the penalty. Layed apron me, in my name a crime committed by those of faith pales skin able to get away. Crimes put off on those of color rotting away to one day fade. No justice to be found with lies profound. To have your race justify your case. To let race put you in your place . The darker the skin the lower you are, if not white barely light you have no freedom, no place to to redeem or freedom to be seen. Your place for you is seen under the gutter, hidden from sight forced from your rights. The world we live in is sacrificed. They let race define you , who you are , whether you live in the light with big homes and nice cars or if you live on the street in a broken down car with no food or space. They let race define you who you may become, what your dreams may be, if you\'re a lawyer or made to clean. Race defines you in this world we live. The times have changed along with some ways but the system today always remains the same. This today is our truth but the question is will you let race define your truth?