Black darkness
Every night and day\'s a struggle
As the pain becomes all-consuming
And the burden weighs heavier than steel
At first the breath comes unsteadily
While the mind drowns in agony
You long to flee, run away from all
But it pushes you forward with cruelty
The neverending fear
Nobody\'s hand helps you up
Once you\'re lose in this world
Loneliness drips from my eyes
And so the darkness deepens
It seems to settle down, to last forever
The faint far light, a whiff of hope
Real or an illusion?
There it dwells, waiting
So I run after it, be it or no
As hope\'s hope, real or fake
Shards of happiness
Drown in the fear
And yet somewhere an exit flickers
In my head, or at the end of the tunnel called life
But finally I let go
Let it pull me into depths dark
Into a bottomless, skyhigh abyss
In which the black shimmers impatiently
Looks forward to my arrival
Keeps me like its child, raising me in the pain
Knowing how I\'m trembling, and yet it gives comfort
Nothing else I know now
Softly I swing in the arms of this empty, icy darkness
So beautifully, so easily, I lose myself to it
Despair I take as friend
Melancholy flows through my veins, becomes my blood,
Panic my heart
And fear my brain