
The Neighbor

I share a wall with the devil

Her aura’s heavy and dark

She shoots venom at everyone

And has the loudest bark


Known by all, but not by her name

Called instead, the one who’s insane


She has a generous paunch

Which she leaves on full display

Along with two saggy flapjacks,

where her breasts should lay


Like a Chupacabra, she sleeps until midday

Knocked out by a cocktail of wine and Klonopin

Nothing could wake this monster anyway


As the afternoon sun calls overhead

She opens her eyes in a haze

It’s time to begin her reign of terror

And she will set this shit ablaze


Aggravated by the tourists down at “her beach”

She gets herself riled up as she tells them to get off “her street”


Go back to east county, you fatty

(these are actual words she’s said)

Hurling vitriol like that

it’s amazing she’s not dead


She retreats to the apartment complex

Satisfied with her snark and hate,

Hoping that one of us will take her next bait


As she busies herself in the garden

She feigns a nurturing hand

But there’s nothing loving about this woman

It’s obvious she is damned.