
I Sailed a Ship

People says that I\'m playing too safe

Driving the ship a snail speed

Though the wind is a gentle breeze

And no sign of storms ahead ready

I say it\'s a process

They says such thing because they knew nothing

Truth is, that the ship I sailed is a wreck

A shipwreck

And I command it to raise and stay afloat

The destined place is still so far

Must stay strong and sail ahead

It will go somewhere 

But would they believe it?

Would they saw it as an excuse?

Or, would they applaud me for doing a good job sailing a broken?

Nevermind though,

It\'s not about them, It\'s about me

True, that I cannot fix it

True, that I probably make it severed

But at least I\'m trying

I will not let it sink, left it to rusts

At the deep, deep, down, on the

bottom of the ocean.