Theodore Zendarski

Holy Bond

Spread on a table that man had not made

Rained down from heaven now in the glade

Heavenly flakes much whiter than frost

Gather it quickly for in the heat it be lost


Take what you need and store none away

My directions abide that no one shall stray

Sweet be the taste, different for each one

The bread of the angels for now till I come


One jar before Me for those yet to come

A bountiful harvest do remember this one

As a sign of My covenant place in the Ark

Your hunger abated walk not in the dark


When thousands sat down upon the grass

I provided for their needs with this repast

A handful of loaves before them I broke

Leftovers there were, after I had spoke


Share now this table fashioned by man

Loaves you have broken because you can

Changed into My body, not a mere sign

A Holy Bond between your heart and Mine


All of My people, I place before you a choice

Pray that your reason has heeded My voice

But beware of temptation clouding your view

Accept now this morsel that I offer to you