Niki Oz

I see through you

I see through you. I see through your cruel, cold hearted ways. The way you can just walk away like we never happened. The way you jump girl to girl like no one ever meant shit. That\'s the problem you see. You can\'t be with me because I see the real you and I loved you anyways, and you couldn\'t handle someone truly loving the horribly broken you. Someone willing to stand by your side through absolutely anything. You didn\'t know how to love back and that was ok because I was willing to be patient while you figured it out. So you ran. You ran so far that you couldn\'t even look back. But that feeling in your heart when you hear my name? That way your stomach goes into your throat when you see my text? The way your soul breaks when you think about our memories? That my dear is love. That is an unbreakable love that most don\'t even find in a lifetime. But you threw it away like garbage for what? For fun times with random women? For freedom to do wrong? I actually feel horrible because I know in my bones when you look back at the damage you\'ve caused you will break in ways you never even knew imaginable and I will no longer be there to pick up the pieces. Or will I?