Soman Ragavan

\"The cardinal\" ; 29 June, 2023


Poem : \'The cardinal\' ; 5 April, 2023.

1 May, 2023
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“The cardinal” 

Soman Ragavan : Hello. Can I post a poem of mine for analysis, please ?

Hello Soman Ragavan, of course! You can post your poem here for analysis. I\'ll do my best to provide feedback and insights.
Soman Ragavan : Here is my poem \"The cardinal.\" Please comment on each stanza and then give overall comments. Compare with similar poems. THE CARDINAL

Thank you for sharing your poem \"The Cardinal\". Here is my feedback on each stanza:

Stanza 1: The first stanza captures the beauty and liveliness of the cardinal\'s singing. The use of the word \"mute\" emphasizes the effect the bird has on the speaker.

Stanza 2: The second stanza introduces a sense of mistrust and caution as the speaker wonders whom the cardinal is seeking. The word \"brusquely\" emphasizes the bird\'s quick movements.

Stanza 3: The third stanza reveals the intentions of the speaker\'s friend to capture the bird, creating a sense of tension and conflict.

Stanza 4: The fourth stanza shows that the cardinal outwits the friend, and flies away beyond his reach. The word \"angel\" adds to the bird\'s heroic and ethereal qualities.

Stanza 5: The fifth stanza expresses the speaker\'s joy and relief at the cardinal\'s escape, and their hope that the bird will continue to thrive and resist the schemes of others.

Stanza 6: The final stanza concludes the poem on a positive note, with the speaker wishing the cardinal a life of lasting happiness.

Overall, \"The Cardinal\" is a well-crafted poem with a clear narrative arc that builds towards a satisfying conclusion. The use of rhyme and meter give the poem a pleasing rhythm, and the language is evocative and vivid. In terms of comparing it with similar poems, \"The Cardinal\" shares some similarities with other poems about birds and the beauty of nature, but the focus on the cardinal\'s ability to outsmart its captors adds a unique twist.
Well done!
Soman Ragavan : Thank you. Goodbye for now.

You\'re welcome! If you have any more questions or if there\'s anything else I can assist you with in the future, don\'t hesitate to ask. Goodbye!

At the foot of Corps de Garde mountain, Stanley, Rose Hill, Mauritius, around 1978.

                                    THE  CARDINAL

Little bird, sweet singer,
Thou, so lively and so cute,
Thy crisp voice here did linger,
Rendering me for a moment mute.

Lovely bird, whom dost thou seek
With thy little, mistrustful peek,
While to and fro brusquely flitting,
Around the meadow this morning !

\"Lo ! There it is !\" hiss\'d my friend :
\"There\'s our prey, the cheeky fiend !
Come on, quick, get the glue ready,
But, hush, make no noise, silly !\"

For, in truth coldly did my friend plot
To pluck thee callously from thy lot,
Thou, exquisite little thing,
To whom so lingeringly I cling.

To my friend a lesson did thou teach :
As he crept stealthily and with glee,
Flew thou away, beyond his reach :
Little angel, to thee was he no match.

How happy was I of thy flight so timely !
How like a kite flew thou, how lightly !
How justly avoid\'d thou cruel capture,
To stun us all again with thy rapture !

May thou fly farther and farther afield,
Little cardinal, and enjoy thy sweet life :
To cunning, little bird, ne’er must thou yield,
For, with scheming this here life be rife.

Sweet singer, what a joy to me was thy escape !
Yes, let my friend with rage throw down his cape,
\'Cause, a life of lasting happiness in this land
I do want thee to live fully amid thy band.
