
\"I Awakened\"

In the realm of chaos, I awakened,

My spirit gasping for a breath of truth.

From the depths of my soul, a new light dawned,

Dispelling the shadows of ignorance.


With each breath, I embraced the universe,

Seeking answers to the questions within.

No longer confined by earthly notions,

I soared, transcending the bounds of reason.


Through the silent whispers of nature’s hymn,

I heard the echoes of ancient wisdom.

The gentle sway of trees revealed secrets,

Their branches reaching out to touch my soul.


Unveiling the layers of shallow masks,

I journeyed to the core of my essence.

Embracing the wounds, I discovered strength,

And through surrender, found liberation.


The barriers that once plagued my vision,

Now dissolved, dissolved in pure Consciousness.

A kaleidoscope of colors danced on,

Revealing the unity of all things.


Unfolding like a thousand blooming flowers,

I witnessed the divine within my heart.

My spirit alight, a flame forever lit,

Awakening the dormant depths of self.


No longer confined by earthly notions,

I am the universe, eternally free.

Discovering the boundless harmony,

In this spiritual awakening.
