
The features of Cain





…..Does seeing a murder make it easier to do, are we murderous creatures regardless of our superficial features, and why no one had to teach us; surely it provided some checks and balances in life’s many featured films, are foreseeable motives god’s inspirations or instructions, we do it so well, murder might be our function. We burn Mother Earth at the stake, let the fire simmer as if all of nature is for dinner. We are the death and doom we’ve written about, it’s amazing how we lie and pout, while sitting on the throne in both heaven and hell, we’re the ringer and the bell, the teller and the tale, what’s told has made us bold, then there are tellers with tales to makes us fold. We are the bearers of gifts, and the thieves that left no fingerprints; fragrance and scents, as well as the stench that could make any autopsist wince.