
Machiavellian box

Put yourself in a box

Forced to contribute opinions on others work

To gain likes

Is it about the opinions


The algorithm didn\'t program itself

Where did the algorithm come from

A rival nation

Is it really about gaining intelligence

Do the opinions matter

The goal seems to get people to express opinions

That is a way of thinking

Most people say \"I am hurt listen to me\"

Most people shut that person down (hurt them)


 because of this virtual mob mentality, yes (propagated, subliminally-inspired, chaos) I would have to assume..

(Prove it Mother fucker!)


We have to think something

Ask yourself

Why am I in this box?

Does this do any benefit to me?

Anyone else?


Why does someone whom has 3000 plus followers and

3000 plus leaders have zero content?

Way the program works, yes (fact).

Why was it designed to work that way?

Pulling on our heart strings (maybe)

For money? (No significant finacial gain)

To get us into this chaotic mentality (o shit)


Who is getting us there?

Where was it designed again??

Why does this person (who programed it) of whom i don\'t know remind me of a nazi scientist-based intent based on my interpretation of this computer program?

Applied mathematics:


1.677 billion users

150 million American users

How many Chinese users (country of origin)

Unclear, China censorship of the internet...


150 mill


1.7 bill

one billion five hundred fifty million


(1 billion and a half users non American)

six billion four hundred fifty million

(From other countries)


What countries have the most people






U.S has 331.9 mill people

8 bill


331.9 mill




So we can prove 7% of the earth\'s population (half the American population is a user) using basic math, and google as an aid.


1.70 bill users total (simpled)


331.9 million (american users) halfed is

(Close to) 170 million users (in America are users)


six billion three hundred million (non users of earth)

Simple enough...


5% of the world population ( and, half of Americas population) is wasting time groveling over opinions (manipulators intent) while..

95% of the rest of the world\'s population is living normal lives so..

Take from this what you will (reader) but, ask yourself: what is being in a box really doing for you (me)? How is your opinion (good or bad) effecting the rest of the of the world (probably not a huge impact)? More importantly: how is it effecting your ability to use intellectual thoughts and not just react emotionaly? AND are your thoughts a reflection of yourself or just another unoriginal opinion (then, why are you even thinking?) Well, we cannot turn our thought process off, therefore it exist at all times (even in sleep cycles). The possibility for some manipulator(s) to take advantage of this is very great..


Well if we are cut in half (severed)

Americans (5%) of the world\'s population is much easily concuered: by other nations who still hold on to negative emotions (from centuries old wars) or even by ourselves (Can also be proven using mathematics). So why, then is U.S doing its best to promote safety, equality, mental health treatments, prescription meds, happy fucking commercials. To avoid the threat of panic and fear? (Total collapse of U.S as we know?)...also why isn\'t the whole program been shut down? (Maybe none have done the math) or, maybe (were already fucked). The U.S people (not society) has value to someone...


What is the algorithm doing for you? 

Subconsciously manipulating US into warring amongst ourselves. In theory, yes. Too fucking tired to go on. Hope you see something out of this... I do


However will express this: the people who say this is fucked, they express concern: have almost no ability to even think about it subectively because the world is their object. Even among two minds (brilliant or not)

, we are cut off from rational thoughts. It all starts by one negative emotion (insecurity)! Who plays on this emotional state. BULLIES! Did any of you go to school and learn one thing??? If not for mathematics, then: there has to be an oppressed person for there to be a tormentor.. it\'s not only basic math (for me) but applied science and psychology, also. We were given a mind for a reason (brain function and, well that\'s basic: fight, fuck, survive). It took a positive thought for me to come to all of this: compassion, Selflessness. There has got to be a hero for there to be a villian (vise versa) Think of me what you will (I stayed up trying to prove my theory). May not save one nation, may not save the world. Atleast I used my brain with good intentions. Proud of you Adam.


,Mister bones... much love children.

P.S: thank you tik cok for allowing me to come to this.