Michael Bandee

For your love I thankyou

I dont know where I would be right now if you weren\'t in my life

I feel lost I feel confused but you just make things right,
You listen to my problems to where my head has gone
And never judge me or my thoughts and you tell me if I\'m wrong
You and only you alone know the real me, that\'s why I rely on you to guide me and to make me see,
I know my head and soul feel lost as I try to survive just day to day  I know im in a battle with demons that just won\'t go away
I will beat the way I feel, but will I ever be the man I was, I hope I beat my demons, I WILL and this is why its because, 
I have your love so special that keeps me on solid ground
In my head all I feel is madness I feel it all around
But you take my hand and calm me you bring my sunshine back 
You give me the courage by being you, the courage that I lack
I know you have your own problems and if I only could I would take them all away, take your hurt your anguish pain every minute of every day
You\'ve been where I\'m standing, you know just how I feel, you know how my heart feels heavy , you know the thoughts I have are real, and still you never judge me, you stand by me giving love, what have I done to deserve you my angel from above
I never really thank you for loving me the way you you do, because you\'ve been in my shoes you know what I should do
I know i will get through this and parts of me will change along the way
But I will be a survivor cause your love keeps me strong eachday
And you are my strength to fight even when I feel i can\'t go on,
There is no easy solutions there is no right or wrong
There is no clear path for me so i find my way home, no time limit it could be weeks months or years, but I know im not alone 
I know that you stand with me
Every step I take I feel you near
I know your on my journey all the way with me easing all my fears
So again I want to thankyou for being who you are
Loving understanding caring amazing like a road you are my tar
You keep me all together
You stop me from breaking, from simply falling apart
You do this unconditionally you do it with your heart
So thankyou for being you and for the amazing things you do
These are a few reasons why I\'m so in love with you.